Eurodollar University is the study of money.
Economics has failed to account for the monetary system. As a result, the investing public and the general public have been left in the dark about one of the most important and fundamental aspects of modern life. Let’s change this.
Since mainstream Economics has treated money as “the Fed”, hardly anyone knows how to interpret money and financial markets and signals. Sort the signals from the noise, properly read and analyze useful evidence. Derive solid conclusions from a scientific process.
You can’t truly understand where we are until you learn and appreciate how we got here. The history of the eurodollar system is the history of the latter 20th century and all of the 21st. For better and worse, the monetary system has been there the entire time whether you or anyone knew it.
Partnering with Steven Van Metre, Jeff’s offering a eurodollar perspective to both professional investment advice as well as research for the do-it-yourself-ers out there. What you need to know and what to do about it.
A growing behind-the-scenes effort to raise awareness and educate scholars and officials around the world about monetary reality, what central banks really are - more so what they are not.
It’s not just buying memberships and supporting Eurodollar University. We’re working toward making our mission a multi-pronged effort to get the message out and being better at what we do to make a robust community of like-minded people who just want to fix this.