EDU Membership                    

So much material all in one place…

Then again, the complexity and long if hidden history of the eurodollar system demands just this kind of comprehensive examination. There are video series on the basics as well as presentations about important aspects of the monetary system, guest conversations with top-notch guests alongside regular Q&A videos and weekly recaps.

Not only do you get access to the considerable content that’s already available (over 175 hours), Jeff is busy creating new material each week. New EDU videos are being uploaded all the time.

  • The Basics

    What is money? Why do we focus so much on money and bond curves, and what do they all mean? A good place to start is with our series appropriately titled, The Basics. We’ve even tackled QE and QT and there are more coming all the time.

  • Presentations

    EDU offers a number of presentations videos, as standalones or our several series: Ghost Money; Money Mysticism; Decoding Curves; Wholesale Evolution; What We Are Missing and the latest in-process series Let It Flow. Each presents a different facet of the eurodollar story, addressing specific pieces to the money study puzzle available.

  • Classroom Videos

    The Classroom Series is a progression of individual lessons strung together moving forward from background concepts. right up to our current “grad level” videos. There are nearly thirty videos available, each between 30 mins and an hour. Although we believe it will be helpful to move through them in succession, it is not necessary to do so. Individual vids can be used as independent tutorials for specific topics of interest.

  • Q&As

    If you’re interested in off-the-cuff responses to questions coming from the Eurodollar University membership, we’ve got that, too. Get a sense of what other members are interested in hearing about, or seeing in the current environment. Join them in asking questions by submitting one (or many) yourself. These are unpredictable and a great way to investigate more informally.

  • Conversations

    In-depth discussions with top-notch special guests you can’t get anywhere else. Walk through current events, monetary and economic history, background theory all with Jeff and others from around economics and finance as your guide.

  • Weekly Recaps

    Each and every week, Jeff narrates a complete review of the week’s most important macro and money developments. Available in video format which includes tons of charts and graphs or just the audio.

  • Resource Library

    The Resources Pages are our growing library of sources. What you see on our YouTube shows, in the DDA’s and Briefings, or some Member Video. Where the data and information come from. Whether it is interest rate swaps or some obscure macroeconomic account, the EDU Members Resource Pages aim to make them all available to you, unlike the eurodollar system in a centralized, easy-to-navigate format that is continuously updated directly from the original source.

  • Youtube Vids ad-free

    Eurodollar University members have the option of watching the latest YouTube videos ad-free on the member site as a special membership benefit. We post the current vid often before it goes up on YT and then keep it available for about a month, maintaining a constant rotation of 20 vids.

  • Audio Library

    If you’re on the go or just can’t watch for some reason, then stream the audio from the member site or download the file and take it with you. Q&As, weekly recaps, conversations, and some presentations are available in audio format.

  • Transcript Library

    For the ‘official’ record, Eurodollar University is building a library of video and content transcripts. Those for all Classroom and QnA content are currently available, including past QnA vids that have since been archived. We’ll also be adding transcripts for YouTube show videos, too.

Member Content
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Member Content Institutional/Professional
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For professional investors or institutional managers, we ask that you please consider paying a higher premium for membership content.