Information on what subscriptions and memberships have to offer can be found here.

Welcome to Eurodollar University, your place for all things modern money and monetary science. The internet home for Jeff Snider, from here you can begin to investigate all the ways in which the global monetary system impacts you: economy, politics, investments and more.

EDU's Anniversary Sale & Webinar

EDU's Anniversary Sale & Webinar


The webinar will focus on the fundamentals of interest rates over the next 12 months.

With interest rates down again today moving toward recent lows, it’s important to understand where they are actually coming from. Consumers hitting a wall in the US, losses in CRE coming out around the world, China, even central bank rate cuts and some collateral shifts.

You can sign up right now for our webinar at the link below. And we’ll let you know the details about EDU’s Anniversary Sale as we get closer to it. Check back here at our website for updates.

To access the webinar, go here.


EDU’s 2nd Anniversary begins Monday, July 1. Go here for our biggest savings on all EDU subscriptions and memberships.

Jeff Snider will guide you through the realm of monetary science. Multiple episodes uploaded each week, discussing big news and key current events, the state of markets and what they are telling you, as well as historical summaries and deep background material so that you can understand what’s really going on in this eurodollar’s world.

Eurodollar University flagship podcast.

Don’t burn your currency, learn from it.

Serious research subscriptions, educational materials, even portfolio management services. If it is money and macro information you want, we’ve got you covered.

Get access to all of Jeff’s unique, valuable macro and money insights. And not just Treasury bonds.

Master the markets by learning valuable macro and money insights from the macro master himself, Jeff Snider.

For those looking to go deeper into the world of global monetary actions to learn about the eurodollar system, yield curve interpretation, and the real story behind the current macro-economic changes, you’ll want to sign up for one or both of the Money & Macro Pro products: Daily Briefing (part of research bundle at Markets Insider Pro) and Deep Dive Analysis.

Become a member of Eurodollar University.

Get access to members-only videos, podcasts, and interactive opportunities. Submit questions to Jeff and Emil. Take a guided tour into the shadows for our various behind-the-scenes efforts to make Eurodollar University into a force for forcing change on Economics, politics, and general discourse.

Purchase a website membership to support the “university” in its mission for grassroots education across all levels of society. Help bring back grounded monetary scholarship to our world sorely lacking in it.

While we like to have as much fun as we can, and snark away at central bankers and Economists who make it too easy for us, the truth is there’s serious business here. The world-shattering, still-spiraling effects of a horribly misunderstood global reserve money system causing very real harm to investors, political upheaval in every corner of the world, and social unrest for reasons no one yet has adequately explained to a global public righteously angry about all of it.

Let’s take proactive steps to do something productive about it while we still can.

— Jeff Snider

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