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Member Video #28: Integrating Ledgers
In Classroom #28, we take a further look at the critical dealer system from three perspectives. Starting with the macroscopic then working through the multiplier/circulation we end up back in the microscale thinking about individual incentives and perspective. Just like the eurodollar is a series of integrated ledgers, that process of integration comes from a combination of purposes spread out across this trio of layers.

Member Video #27: Dealer Center
Why was the September 2019 repo dislocation so significant? It wasn’t how far money rates rose. Instead, the episode actually made officials partially admit the truth. Everything is about dealers and here in Classroom #27 we’re going a little further in the black hole. Armed with a diagram and experience, we’ll start putting theory together with observation.

Conversation #9: Gold Takes Off
To get a golden insider’s perspective of the metal’s currently really, Jeff is joined by founder and chief of Monetary Metals, Keith Weiner. Keith is someone with extensive historical knowledge and has a deep passion for monetary topics from well before it was cool. Whether or not Bitcoin was a CIA plant will have to wait for another day.

The Basics #10: Quantitative Tightening
After tackling QE in Basics #9, the next installment could only be about what many consider to be QE’s inverse: QT. While Jeff worried this one might be a letdown, this one is far from it. To understand the debate (such that there really is one) about “tightening”, EDU’s Basics #10 does more than just QT. As a necessity, this one gets neck deep into bank reserves.