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Member Video #7: Private Bank Ledger Money, Part 1
Our previous Five-part Trilogy established QE and bank reserves as complete and utter failures. Why? The banking system. So, our next Five-part Trilogy is going to dive into the very bank and monetary evolution which made future QE inevitably ineffective.

Money Mysticism (why the dollar remains king) Part 2
The highly anticipated (maybe?) sequel to Ghost Money. If interest rates and the Fed don’t explain the dollar, then what does? And why does it matter?

Member Video #6: QE Fails (sentiment)
The final of our “five-part” trilogy on QE’s comprehensive failure, this the one everyone always asks about. Sentiment. Stocks. If central banks can’t create consumer inflation, and they can’t, do they make asset inflation instead? Emil and Jeff actually do the math.

Money Mysticism (why the dollar remains king) Part 1
The highly anticipated (maybe?) sequel to Ghost Money. Explaining the crypto crash starting with common money misperceptions - and memes.