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The Basics #5: The Price of Money
The price of money is simple in concept, difficult in practice, and forgotten in mainstream Economics. Despite this enforced ignorance, the price of money remains incredibly important to figuring out deflation, inflation, and we hope finding the sweet spot in between.

Transcripts Library
Transcripts for Eurodollar University’s recent Youtube videos are now available.

The Basics #3: More Definitions
There are two general reasons consumer prices go up, and only one is inflation. And there are two types of cases for when consumer prices go down. Only one is deflation. Which is which and why? And why don’t we know which is which? More definitions are needed.

Staying with current events, only this time answering your member questions about what is happening right now. Still happening, as it is turning out contrary to so many official assurances.

Jeff on Hidden Forces/Demetri Kofinas
Jeff sits down with Demetri Kofinas at Hidden Forces for another long interview. The second half of the previous interview from January is being made available to Eurodollar University members, and Demetri is offering a huge discount off the price of joining his Genius Community. Details inside.

The Basics #4: What Is A Bank (run)?
I know what you’re thinking, where’s Part 3? That one is still coming but with the events of the past week we thought it might be a good idea to revise the release schedule a tiny bit. Banks are in the news as are bank runs. We should address what both of those actually mean.

Given the major events of the past week, we’re foregoing the usual Q&A format to instead present Jeff’s unique recap and interpretation of everything that just happened. We might have seen it coming, yet there’s still a lot we need to unpack and analyze and Jeff wanted to give members a timely update.

The Basics #2: Definitions
We need to begin defining ourselves through some of the most common economics expressions, and do so according to how they are and will continue to be used in the eurodollar university framework.

Member Video #19: Borrowing USTs
Going all the way down the rabbit hole of eurodollar collateral proliferation first requires taking a step back in time – way back. Banks didn’t invent borrowing US Treasuries in the sixties and seventies, more like eighteen-sixties and seventies. Troubling and persistent safe asset shortage forced a new form of bank-invented money elasticity, and sure enough the authorities failed to stay on top of it.

Audio Upload
We’ve had a bunch of issues with the website and getting the audio files to play correctly on it. We believe we’ve got them solved, so the full catalog of Q&A’s has been uploaded. Fingers crossed.

The Basics #1: What Is Money?
We think of money as little scraps of government paper. A few might still consider chunks of private metal commodities. Today’s money far more resembles a telecommunications network than anything of those. We begin the basics with why and how it came to be this way.

Member Video #18: Collateral History
T-bills, specifically, and US Treasury debt, in general, have dominated the collateralized monetary landscape right from the beginning. Some history behind what that was, and how it paved the way for the eventual mass production of eurodollar money. But first, it had to overcome its own history.