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Member Video #24: Collateral Dealing
We talk about risk aversion as the biggest factor for monetary conditions in the eurodollar system, but what does that actually mean? Taking our discussion of collateral and its importance to the next step, we have to narrow the focus and get a little more specific.

Member Video #23: Collateral Practices
One of the more infamous episodes from the most infamous Wall Street firm: Solly’s folly. The firm flaunted Treasury auction practices, rules, and repeated demands. Called an “inept little scam” by the media at the time, the only accurate word in that description was last one. It was hardly inept and the cheating was widespread and the reason why illustrated everything about eurodollar maturity and its domination.

Member Video #22: Collateral Multiplier
This is a long one but a necessary examination and well worth the detail. After exposing the ‘dirty secret’ behind collateral reusing, this video takes the next step. Clocking in at nearly an hour, we’re going to go deeper into the shadow money system taking the collateral multiplier head on.

Member Video #21: Securities Lending
Earlier Classroom Videos have looked into collateral and how important it is to the eurodollar system, providing context and documenting key concepts. With the background out of the way, it’s finally time to go much farther, diving straight into the meat of the topic. Starting with how securities lending isn’t, um, lending.

Wicksell’s Depression Star, Part 3
The conclusion to the series. Depression Economics. Protracted Non-neutrality. Sure enough, Economists’ calculations for R-star are entire consistent with Ben Bernanke’s earlier scholarly work, Friedman’s interest rate fallacy, and, most of all, Wicksell’s Depression Star. The eurodollar factor is what links them all.