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Let It Flow - Part 1
We are taught to think and talk about money stock - and only money stock - on the few occasions the topic ever comes up. The printing press is, they say, all it takes. History shows it isn’t about how much money is available, rather how much available money circulates. The world runs on flow not stock and we have to do everything we can to let it.

Conversation #3: Financial Math w/Alf
Another in our string of special conversations, our guest this time is Alfonso Peccatiello better known as Macro Alf. In discussing key bond market fundamentals, he and Jeff hit on risks to stocks and even the money fallacy surrounding bank reserves. Plus, Alf has a special offer for EDU members.

Member Video #26: Collateral Center
These “grad” level classroom videos aim to bring us close to actual practice. Having access to real data would be nice just not possible. Instead, we’ll source indirect access via the findings of those who have been privileged. Thankfully, we can reveal quite a lot this way even if still not quite the full picture.