If you aren’t a Eurodollar University member, become one and get access to Classroom vids, The Basics, Weekly Recaps, Q&As, and all the special presentations right here.

Member Video #31: Repo Complexity
The operation and function of the eurodollar system is, in a word, complex. It almost has to be in order to provide the necessary capacities to get money, credit, and even credit transformation circulating all throughout this eurodollar world. Even as something as simple, or what sounds simple, like repo is, in a word, complex. It’s important to unpack of it as much as we can, which we’ll do in Classroom Video 31.

The Basics #14: I/R Swap Spreads
Our four-part Basics series on interest rate swaps concludes with swaps as spreads. Not only does the final chapter draw on the information from the first three, it ties them all together by first asking – then answering – why we never hear more about either the swap market or any indications coming from it.

Webinar Replay: Jim Rickards and Jeff on the Future of Money/Economy
Exclusive webinar replay for EDU members. Both Jim and Jeff agree on the flexibility of money, the nature of depression, then hold slightly different views on where the troubles are coming from and what to do about them.

The Basics #13: I/R Swap Users
After the background behind interest rate swaps and the development of the marketplace, then the role of money dealers, Basics #13 shifts to the perspective of swap users. What they are looking for and what that can tell us about the state of the monetary system from this inside perch.

Exclusive Zerohedge Debate: Gold Standard's Demise
Q: Was the gold standard doomed to fail?
On the one side, Jeff Snider of Eurodollar University arguing that economics had rendered gold obsolete. Taking the position that gold was removed by politics, Dan Oliver.
A ZH/EDU exclusive release.